Giayee TV BOX101 Looks Like a Nexus Q Clone
Last summer Google launched the Nexus Q a set-top box which main features were its rounded shape and ridiculously high price. Google eventually dropped the product, but at least one Chinese company called Giayee believes in the concept and launched TV BOX101 which just looks like the Nexus Q internally, but instead of OMAP4460, it’s powered by Rockchip RK3066. Here are some preliminary specifications of the device: SoC – Rockchip RK3066 Dual core A9 @ 1.6GHz + Quad Mali-400 GPU System Memory 1G DDR3 RAM Storage – 8G NAND Flash + micro SD slot Video Out – HDMI + AV Connectivity: Ethernet – 10/100M Wifi – 802.11 b/g/n USB – 2x USB Host Size – Diameter 117mm, Height 108.5mm Weight: 363g Air Mouse Control Wireless Microphone Somatic Joypad Customized UI This Android 4.1 device will come with an “Air Mouse Controller”, an HDMI cable, a power supply (5V/3A), and a […]