Frosted, which stands for “Free Operating Systems for Tiny Embedded Devices”, is an OS with a POSIX-compliant system call API, borrowing the Linux kernel kconfig for configuration, and currently supporting ARM Cortex M0,M3,M4, and M7 MCU including Texas Instruments Stellaris LM3S, STMicro STM32F4/F7, and NXP LPC17XX micro-controllers. The developers are focusing on IoT applications, as well as porting retro-games such as Doom. The kernel relies on libopencm3 for hardware abstraction, and the operating system can be built with GCC ARM for Frosted using the source code released under a GNU GPLv2 license. The Wiki explains how to build and run the OS on either Qemu (in a Linux computer) used LM3S target, or an STM32F4 Cortex -M4 or STM32F7 Cortex-M7 board. The team also uploaded showing a video of Doom (fdoom) running on STM32F7 board, and possibly adapted from stm32doom port. If you are interested in joining the project you can […]
STAR OTTO Arduino Board is Based on STMicro STM32 32-bit Cortex-M4 MCU & ESP8266 WiFi SoC
Thanks to STMDuino32 community, there was already support for the Arduino IDE on board based on STMicro STM32 ARM Cortex-M micro-controllers, but STMicroelectronics and Arduino Srl have introduced the STAR program to bring official support, and unveiled their first board with STAR OTTO Arduino board powered by STM32F469 Cortex M4 MCU at Maker Faire Bay Area 2016. Key features of STAR OTTO board (ARD-OTTO-STM32): MCU – STMicro STM32F469BIT6 ARM Cortex-M4 MCU @ 180 MHz with 2 MB Flash memory, 384 KB SRAM, Chrom-ART graphics accelerator System Memory – 16 MB SDRAM Storage – 128 KB EEPROM, microSD slot Connectivity – Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n @ 2.4 GHz via Espressif ESP8266 Display I/F – MIPI DSI display interface Camera – Camera connector Audio – 2x MEMS digital microphones, headphone and speaker output USB – 1x micro USB host interface Expansion – Arduino Uno, Due, Mega connectors including 8x ADC, 2x DAC, 32 digital […]
“BluePill” is a $2 Arduino Compatible Development Board Based on STMicro STM32 MCU
I’m amazed that if your budget for a board was just $5 for one MCU board, you now have so many options for your electronics projects: ESP8266 boards, a few STM8 boards, One Dollar Board project, and many more… Other options are “BluePill” or “RedPill” boards based on STM32 or GD32 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 micro-controllers that go for about $2 shipped, and can be programmed with the Arduino IDE thanks to STM32Duino project. BluePill board specifications: MCU – STMicro STM32F103C8T6 ARM Cortex-M3 MCU @ 72 MHz with 64KB flash memory, 20KB SRAM. USB – 1x micro USB port for power and programming Debugging – 4x pin SWD header or micro USB port Expansion – 2x 20-pin with power signals, I2C, SPI, GPIOs, ADC inputs, etc… Misc – Reset button, two jumpers (for boot mode), power and user LEDs. Power – 5V via USB, 2.0-3.6V power via 3.3V pin on […]
STMicro Releases Linux based STM32 MCU Development Tools
Until a few years ago, most development tools for micro-controllers were only available for Windows, but as Linux gained popularity among developers and engineers, community of developers designed development tools running in Linux, but only a few companies are providing tools that run on Linux operating systems. The good news is that STMicro has just announced the release of STM32CubeMX configurator and System Workbench for STM32, for both Linux and Windows, with Mac OS supporting coming on Q2 2016. Developped by Ac6 embedded systems company, System Workbench for STM32 relies on Eclipse IDE, supports the ST-LINK/V2 debugging tool under Linux through an adapted version of the OpenOCD project, and can be used with various STMicro STM32 boards including Nucleo boards, Discovery kits, and other Evaluation boards. You can give it a try by visiting OpenSTM32 Community, but for some reasons they ask you to register before accessing the installation instructions. […]