Yesterday I received two environmental monitors with Sonoff SC and vThings CO2 Monitor, and while I’ve plugged both, I have not had time to look into vThings documentation, but since I’m already using the eWelink app for Sonoff TH16 wireless switch, setting up Sonoff SC just took me a few minutes, so I’ll report my experience with the device in this review. I powered Sonoff SC using the USB port of my modem router, and the green LED on the back of the device started to blink every 2 or 3 seconds. Then I started the eWelink app on my Android phone and taped on the “+” icon to add a new device following the instructions here which are basically the same for all Sonoff devices. Then you need to press the “Audio” button for about 5 seconds until the green LED blinks faster, at which point you can click […]