COVID-19 outbreaks and lockdowns in Shenzhen and Hong Kong delay some projects

Coronavirus manufacturing china

This may read like January or February 2020 headlines with disruption to shipping and manufacturing in China due to a “new coronavirus”, but it’s happening again, particularly in Hong Kong and Shenzhen where COVID-19 case numbers have jumped and the governments have implemented strict measures to attempt to contain it. Since Shenzhen is a hub of electronics manufacturing and Hong Kong is often the gateway to those goods, we’ve received several reports of disruption and delayed projects. First, from Source Parts saying the Popcorn Computer will be further delayed in parts due to the COVID situation in Shenzhen: …Within a short period of time after cases suddenly began to rise, we noticed that more apartment complexes were undergoing mandatory lockdown. We started to stock up early on essentials including food and water. One day, the two nearby food markets we frequent were fully stocked in the morning and empty in […]

Gaokede Building in HuaQiangBei Electronics Market Closed, Scheduled for Destruction

Huaqiangbei gaokede building closed

HuaQiangBei electronics market is one of the most popular places for makers in Shenzhen, as you can purchase any kind of components in shops spread across several multi-story buildings. If you can’t find something over there, you’re unlikely to find it anywhere else. So this morning when I read an article entitled “Vendors protest eviction from Shenzhen’s historic Huaqiangbei electronics market” with photos like the one above I was shocked initially thinking the complete market would potentially close. I can still clearly remember SEG building along the main street when I lived in China many years ago. This building is still up and running, and instead Technode reports about the closure of the eight-story Gaokede building which was planned since the end of 2018, and the owner cut off electricity and water supplies yesterday. Even if you are a regular visitor, you’d be forgiven if you forgot where Gaokede is […]

Two Contests for Makers with BeagleBone Green (ARM) and Creator CI20 (MIPS) Boards

I’ve noticed Hackster hardware community has helped organizing several challenges for makers, and the most two recent one are sponsored by Imagination Technologies with their Creator CI20 MIPS board, and SeeedStudio and with BeagleBone Green board. “Terminate the competition with Creator Ci20!” That’s the title for Imagination Technologies contest, who basically wants you to create our robot overloads using their MIPS board, or at least design a Terminator inspired robot or hack using the board. You’ll need to submit your idea by March 4, 2016, and the company will give 50 Creator Ci20 to the best 50 ideas, aftwer which you have until April 29, 2016 to complete your project, and write about it on Hackster with photos, code and schematics. Three winners will be selected by May 6, 2016 to get one of the three prizes: 1st place (worth $400) – A bag of Imagination-powered goodies, including a Meizu […]

Free Shenzhen Map to Shop for Electronics in Huaqiangbei

Huaqiangbei is the place in Shenzhen, China, to shop for electronics components and devices. There are several multi-story buildings with lots of different electronics fares, and if you look for some specific components it’s more than likely to be found there.  However it may take some time to find what you need there, but it may just have become a little easier, as Seeed Studio has published a map that you can buy for $5, or simply download for free (PDF). The map has 2 main sections: Some general information about Shenzhen such as transportation (border crossing, station), leisure, main locations of factories, and a bit more. Huaqiangbei map with short descriptions of what you can buy in the different buildings, as well as places to eat, and stay. Seeed Studio will also setup a wiki, so that makers can add interesting places they went shopping in Shenzhen. Jean-Luc Aufranc […]

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