Meego P01 mini PC with Intel Atom Z3735F, 2GB RAM, 32GB eMMC Sells for $125 (Promo)

Meego-T01 is an HDMI TV Stick based on Intel Atom Z3735G/F quad core processor that sells for about $100 + shipping, but it now has a big brother called Meego P01 with the same Intel Atom Z3735G, 2GB RAM, 32 GB eMMC and various port, that sells for $125.50 including shipping for the next 24 hours. Normal price is listed as being $251, but that’s most probably a lie as most other discount for Aliexpress 11.11 day sales festival. Nevertheless, I still believe it’s a good deal for $125.50, just not 50% discount as the listing implies. Meego P01 specifications: SoC – Intel Atom Z3735F “Bay Trail” quad core processor @ 1.33 GHz (Bust freq: 1.83 GHz) with Intel HD graphics (2W TDP) System Memory –  2 GB DDR3L Storage – 32 GB eMMC + micro SD slot Video Output – HDMI Audio I/O – HDMI, 3.5mm microphone jack Connectivity […]

Sailfish OS SDK Alpha Release Is Now Available for Linux

Sailfish OS is a new mobile operating system based on the Qt platform that will soon end-up in mobile phone near you. Until now it was possible to build the SDK yourself, but it was pretty challenging since the documentation was lacking, as Jolla, the company behind Sailfish OS, focused on development. The good news is that you don’t need to build the SDK yourself anymore, since Jolla has just released Sailfish SDK Alpha for Linux 32-bit & 64-bit, and Windows & Mac OS versions will come later. You’ll need a computer that meet the following requirements: A host machine running a Linux operating system Oracle’s VirtualBox version 4.1.18 or higher pre-installed on the host machine. About 5GB of free disk space 4GB of RAM or more is recommended You can get started in two steps: Install the SDK – Download the 32 bit or 64 bit Linux installer. (~650 […]

Jolla Unveils Sailfish OS based on Meego and Sailfish SDK

Last July, a company called Jolly announced it would design, develop and sell smartphones based on the Meego operating system. This is now closer to reality as a demo has been showcased running on Nokia N950, except the operating system is now called Sailfish OS. Internally, Sailfish OS is built on top of the Mer project and Qt. The UI is built with QML and QtQuick and the standard QtMobility APIs are supported. For software development, you’ll need to use a special version of QtCreator. The development flow  looks very similar to what you would do to develop applications for Symbian or Harmattan phones. More precisely, the Sailfish SDK consists of QtCreator, a virtualised Mer Platform SDK and Sailfish components. Code is developed in Qt-Creator on the host device, then the code is passed to the virtualised Mer SDK where it compiles inside the Virtual Machine. If you want to […]

Jolla Smartphones To Run Meego (Born Again) Operating System

I saw a tweet about Jolla 2 days ago, but did not pay much attention because there was no info available. And to some extend, there isn’t much more info now, but a lot of hype about Jolla, a Finnish company recently founded and composed of ex-Nokia employees that aims to design, develop and sell smartphones based on the (thought-to-be-dead) Meego operating system. Jolla’s Meego will be based on the Mer Project & Qt and will feature a “brand new UI” designed by Jolla. The company has been working on the phone since late 2011 and a demo will be available later this year. You can follow the company on LinkedIn or Twitter, as it does not have a website yet. Jean-Luc Aufranc (CNXSoft)Jean-Luc started CNX Software in 2010 as a part-time endeavor, before quitting his job as a software engineering manager, and starting to write daily news, and reviews […]

Experienced Qt4 Mobile Developer? Get A Free Nokia N9 / N950 Smartphone

Quim Gil, in charge of developers relation at Nokia, announced on, that Nokia is currently looking for experienced Qt developers willing to port or develop apps running on top of Qt 5 before its finally release in August/September 2012 and will provide a Nokia N9 or N950 smartphones (running Meego) to selected developers. The goals of this device program are as follows: Testing Qt 5 itself and providing feedback while it’s alpha/beta. Testing the Qt 5 libraries for the Nokia N9. Developers feedback for port from Qt 4 to Qt 5, whether is was easy, a nightmare… and comments on difficulties experienced, Qt Creator and the documentation. Testing new Qt 5 features such as Qt Quick 2, textures, transitions, graphics / video effects, raw OpenGL ES stuff, post-Mobility APIs, the new Qt WebKit, JSON DB, ongoing R&D on PhoneGap own JQuery based experiments, etc… This new device program has […]

Tizen Releases Beta Source Code and SDK

Back in January, Tizen preview SDK and source code was made available. Today, Tizen has released the beta source code and SDK. Here are the main changes compared with the code preview: SDK support for Windows, in addition to Ubuntu SDK source code is now available Tizen Web UI framework extends jQuery Mobile to make developing web applications easier with optimized widgets. Tizen Web API provides more features, such as setting an alarm, accessing media contents, retrieving system information, and more. Tizen uses a bootloader based on U-Boot. The Tizen team emphasizes that this version is Beta and that it is not yet designed for use to create production applications. Since Windows is now supported, the development machine requirements have slightly changed as follows: Ubuntu 10.04/10.10/11.04/11.10 32-bit, Windows XP SP3/7 32-bit (Mac version will be available soon) At least dual-core 2 GHz CPU (recommend VTx supported by CPU) At least […]

HTML5 in a Plasma-Active World – ELC 2012

Danny Bennett, Principal Engineer at basysKom GmbH, talks about HTML5 in Plasma Active development environment at Embedded Linux Conference 2012. Abstract: With the explosion of mobile application development, there is a increasing demand for a common run-time environment across the many mobile platforms. The WAC (Wholesale Applications Community) along with the latest W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) specification HTML5 (HTML version 5) is a step in that direction. Using recent advances in widget/web application development tools and techniques such as Qt Quick and JavaScript. Using Plasma Active as a development environment we can show how to build and verify widget WAC compliancy using the online compliancy verification. This is done using the current version of Plasma-Active running on MeeGo, Mer and the upcoming Tizen platforms. Proving MeeGo, Mer and Tizen are good platforms as a basis to create WAC compliant HTML5 based web applications. You can […]

Develop Android Apps, Deploy on Meego, Tizen, WebOS, Ubuntu and More

OpenMobile World Wide Inc. is demonstrating its Application Compatibility Layer (ACL) technology, capable of running Android apps on non-Android devices at CES 2012 in Las Vegas. The company claims that their solution brings more than 300,000 Android apps to device running on other platforms. The technology allows OEMs of Tablets, Set Top Boxes, smart TVs, Netbooks, In-Vehicle Infotainment devices and more to provide users access to a all Android applications. OpenWorld ACL technology currently works on tablets, STBs and netbooks based on MeeGo, WebOS and Ubuntu. The company also plans to make the technology available for Tizen, Windows, Bada, QNX, Symbian and more. The company claims 100% compatibility for Android apps including those developed using the Android Native Development Kit (NDK). The ACL layer is said not to drain the device resources at all. Device power and memory will be unchanged. Here are the Key Benefits of ACL according to […]

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