Qualcomm unveiled the 4.3 GHz 12-core Snapdragon X Elite processor for laptops last week since some bold claims about the performance and efficiency. The company has now released benchmarks for the processor verified by third parties such as Anandtech and Notebookcheck showing the new Snapdragon processor performance is quite amazing with the Arm processor indeed matching Apple, Intel, and AMD high-end chips. What’s more is that the new SoC was tested in both Windows and Linux (using Geekbench 6.2), so in hindsight, I was wrong to say the Snapdragon X Lite would be a Windows-only processor when only seeing the DX12 listed in the specifications… Before we look into the benchmark results, we should note that Qualcomm provided two versions of the Snapdragon X Elite laptop prototype both using active cooling: “demo config A” high-performance system configured to run at an 80W TDP, and a low-power, thinner “demo config B” […]
Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite – A 4.3 GHz 12-core Arm AI processor for next gen PCs and laptops
Qualcomm has now provided Arm chips for mobile PCs (aka laptops) for several years, but apart from a 20-hour battery life, the performance and price of Snapdragon laptops have often been disappointing. The Snapdragon X Elite aims to change that at least on the performance front. The new Qualcomm 12-core 64-bit Arm processor is clocked at up to 3.8 GHz boosting to up to 4.3 GHz, and is said to deliver up to twice the CPU performance against the competition (Intel/AMD/Apple) or provides the same level of performance at a third of the power consumption. The SoC will also be able to run on-device generative AI with over 13B parameters thanks to 75 TOPS of AI performance and support the latest wireless connectivity technologies such as 5G and WiFi 7 through external chips from the company. Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite specifications: CPU – 12-core 64-bit Armv8 Oryon processor clocked at […]
Samsung LPCAMM integrates LPDDR RAM on removable modules
Samsung has unveiled a new type of removable memory module called the LPCAMM (Low Power Compression Attached Memory Module) with LPDDR designed for PCs and laptops, and the company expects them to eventually be used in servers found in data centers. I would also not be surprised to find them in embedded systems in the future, for example in an updated COM Express standard. Laptops typically come with either low-power DDR (LPDDR) soldered to the motherboard or SO-DIMM modules with DDR memory chips, but there weren’t any removable modules with low-power memory so far, and Samsung LPCAMM changes that. The new LPCAMM module will initially be fitted with LPDDR5X chips and deliver a 50% performance boost (up to 7500 MT/s), improve power efficiency by 70%, and reduce the mounting area by 60% (78 x 23mm) compared to SO-DIMM modules A main factor in reducing the area required is that two […]
$999 Librem 11 Linux tablet features Celeron N5100 processor, 1TB NVMe SSD, 2.5K AMOLED display
Purism Librem 11 is an 11.5-inch Linux tablet running the secure PureBoot bootloader and PureOS Linux distribution with a focus on privacy and respect for personal freedom. The tablet comes with what looks to be a decent 11.5-inch AMOLED touchscreen display with a 2560×1600 resolution, 8GB RAM, and a 1TB NVMe SSD, but the Intel Celeron N5100 quad-core Jasper Lake processor would be considered entry-level in 2023. The tablet also comes with a keyboard and stylus making a 2-in1 hybrid device. Purism Librem 11 specifications: SoC – Intel Celeron N5100 quad-core Jasper Lake processor @ 1.1GHz/2.89GHz (Turbo) with Intel UHD Graphics System Memory – 8 GB LPDDR4 (soldered) Storage 1 TB NVMe SSD (Kingston KC3000) microSD card reader implemented with Genesys Logic GL823K Display – 11.5-inch AMOLED display with 2560×1600 resolution, 60Hz refresh rate, Goodix GXTP7380 multitouch digitizer, stylus support Stylus – 2x buttons, 4096 pressure levels, tilt support (XY), […]
Review of CrowView 14-inch portable monitor with laptops and mini PCs
I received an early sample of the CrowView 14-inch laptop monitor for review a few weeks ago, and regular readers may have seen me already use it in some mini PC reviews, but I’ve yet to review the monitor itself, so I’ll report my experience using both laptops and mini PCs running Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04. CrowView laptop monitor unboxing The display ships in a retail package highlighting the main features of the display such as its Full HD resolution, compatibility with 13 to 16.5-inch laptop displays, 160° viewing angle, and its mechanical clamping mechanism. The CrowView display ships with a 12V/2A power supply, USB-A to USB-C and USB-C to USB-C cables, an HDMI to mini HDMI cable, a velcro tie, some stickers, and a user manual in English. The clamping mechanism can be found on the back of the display. There are also four buttons on the bottom […]
Sipeed unveils RISC-V tablet, portable Linux console, and cluster
Sipeed has unveiled three new hardware platforms based on the LM4A RISC-V system-on-module found in their LicheePi 4A SBC, namely the Lichee Cluster 4A cluster for native RISC-V compilation, the Lichee Pad 4A 10.1-inch tablet running Android 13 or Debian, and the Lichee Console 4A a portable Linux console with a small 7-inch display and a built-in keyboard. As a quick reminder, the Sipeed LM4A SoM is based on the Alibaba T-Head TH1520 quad-core RISC-V processor @ 1.8 to 2.5 GHz that has just gotten some support in Linux 6.5, comes with up to 16GB RAM and up to 64 GB eMMC flash, integrates two Gigabit Ethernet PHY, and exposes all I/Os through a 260-pin SO-DIMM connector. We’ve previously noticed the TH1520 module delivers performance similar to the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 and even more when using a customized toolchain. Lichee Cluster 4A All new Sipeed hardware platforms feature […]
Cool Pi Arm Linux Laptop with Rockchip RK3588 SoM sells for $358 and up.
Cool Pi has put its CM5 Rockchip RK3588 system-on-module to good use by integrating it into a 14.1-inch laptop with 1920×1080 resolution running Android 12, Ubuntu 22.04, or other Linux distributions. The Cool Pi laptop comes with up to 32GB LPDDR4X memory, up to 256GB eMMC flash, features an M.2 socket for additional NVMe storage, as well as HDMI 2.1 video output and a USB-C port with DisplayPort Alt. mode to enable triple display setups with the laptop. Cool Pi laptop specifications: System-on-Module – Cool Pi CM5 SoC – Rockchip RK3588 octa-core processor with 4x Cortex‑A76 cores @ up to 2.2 GHz, 4x Cortex‑A55 core @ 1.8 GHz Arm Mali-G610 MP4 “Odin” GPU @ 1.0 GHz Video decoder – 8Kp60 H.265, VP9, AVS2, 8Kp30 H.264 AVC/MVC, 4Kp60 AV1, 1080p60 MPEG-2/-1, VC-1, VP8 Video encoder – 8Kp30 H.265/H.264 video encoder 6 TOPS NPU System Memory – 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, or […]
StarLite Mk V 2-in-1 Linux hybrid laptop features Processor N200 processor
Just last month, Star Labs introduced the Byte Mk II Intel Processor N200-based mini PC with a choice of Linux distributions that include Ubuntu 22.04, Linux Mint, Manjaro, Zorin OS, and others, as well as Coreboot support. The company has now introduced another Linux hardware platform powered by the Processor N200 Alder-Lake-N CPU with the StarLite Mk V 2-in-1 hybrid laptop with a 12.6-inch tablet and a detachable keyboard available in six different layouts. StarLite Mk V specifications: SoC – Intel Processor N200 quad-core processor @ up to 1.0 GHz / 3.7 GHz (Turbo) with 6MB cache, 32EU Intel HD graphics @ 750 MHz; TDP: 6W (PL2 set to 25W) System Memory – 16GB 4800MHz LPDDR5 RAM Storage – 512GB M.2 2242 PCIe Gen3 NVMe SSD (option for 1TB or 2TB); microSD card slot Display 12.6-inch 3K touchscreen IPS display with 2880 x 1920 resolution, LED backlight, 10-point touch Micro […]