LinuxCon 2011 Presentation: Linux Basics

The fifth and last presentation entitled  “Linux Basics” was presented by Lance Albertson, Systems Administrator and Greg Lund-Chaix, “Open source software geek” at OSUOSL (Oregon State University Open Source Lab) at LinuxCon 2011. Abstract: This presentation comes in two parts: The first part gives an overview of Linux, lists the main Linux distributions and explains which one to choose depending on your requirements. It then focuses on Linux administration with some shell commands, how to set permissions and monitor and control processes. The second part is more like a system administrator tutorial showing you how to use VIM Editor,  the commands to control networking, how to make use of SSH for remote access, explains about package management, services (such as http and mysql) by using Apache and Mysql as examples and configuration management, before finally giving the instructions for installing WordPress once Apache andM ySQL are running. If you want to […]

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