Lightspeeur 5801 AI Accelerator Delivers 2.8 TOPS at 224 mW of Power

Lightspeeur 5801

Announced in 2017, Gyrflacon LightSpeeur 2801 AI Accelerator could deliver 2.8 TOPS at 0.3 Watts of power. It’s now found in Orange Pi AI Stick Lite computer stick selling for around $20. Since then the company released 2802 chip for IoT applications, and earlier this year, the company introduced Gyrfalcon 2803 yielding up to 16.8TOPS @ 700 mW for “advanced edge” applications, and they’ve now announced Lightspeeur 5801 chip delivering 2.8 TOPS at 224 mW of power, or 12.6 TOPS/W. That does not seem much of any improvement of Lightspeeur 2801 since peak performance is the same, and power only slightly lower, but let’s check out more details to find out if there’s more to it. Key features: Based on the Gyrfalcon Matrix Processing Engine Performance – Up to 12.6 TOPs/Watt, peak: 2.8 TOPS @ 200 MHz Power Consumption – 224 mW @ 2.8 TOPs Latency – < 4 ms […]

Orange Pi AI Stick Lite $20 Neural Compute Stick Ships with Free Training Tools

Orange Pi AI Stick Lite

Shenzhen Xunlong Software launched Orange Pi AI Stick 2801 neural compute stick last year for $69. It was interesting as an alternative to Intel Neural Compute Stick. But once the documentation and SDK were released a few days later we discovered you could only run demos with the stick for that price, and the training tools would cost an extra $149. The excellent news is that the company has now launched an updated, yet similar Orange Pi AI Stick Lite for just $19.99, and best of all the PLAI training tools are now entirely free. Orange Pi AI Stick Lite specifications: ASIC – Gyrfalcon SPR2801S Lightspeeur series processor with 2-dimensional Matrix Processing Engine (MPE) with AI Processing in Memory (APiM) delivering up to 2.8TOPS @ 300mW, 5.6 TOPS @ 100 MHz (peak performance) Storage – eMMC 4.5 flash with 68 MB/s read, 84.69 MB/s write Host interface – USB 3.0/2.0 […]

CDVA (Compact Descriptors for Video Analysis) Enable “Video Understanding”

SuperCDVA CDVA Video Understanding

One of the most popular applications of artificial intelligence is object detection where you have models capable of detecting objects or subjects being cats, dogs, cars, laptops, or other. As I discovered in a press release by Gyrfalcon, there’s something similar for videos called CDVA (Compact Descriptors for Video Analysis) that’s capable of analyzing the scene taking place, and describe it in a precise manner. The CDVA standard, aka MPEG ISO/IEC 15938-15, describes how video features can be extracted and stored as compact metadata for efficient matching and scalable search. Gyrfalcon published a press release, their Lightspeeur line of AI chips will adapt CDVA. You can get the technical details in that paper entitled “Compact Descriptors for Video Analysis: the Emerging MPEG Standard”. CDVA still relies on (CNN Convoluted Neural Network) but do so but extracting frames first, append a timestamp and the encoded CDVA descriptor to the video, which […]

$69.99 Gyrfalcon 2803 Plai Plug Delivers 24 TOPS per Watt

2803 Plai Plug

Last year we covered an alternative to Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick with Orange Pi AI Stick 2801 powered by Gyrfalcon Lightspeeur 2801S neural processor, and delivering up to 5.6 TOPS, or 2.8TOPS @ 300mW for $69.  Since then Gyrfalcon introduced Lightspeeur 2803(S) AI accelerator delivering up to 24 TOPS, or 16.8 TOPS @ 700 mW. We’ve recently seen the new neural processor will be integrated into SolidRun  i.MX 8M Mini & Nano systems-on-module, and today the company published a press release to announce their latest 2803 Plai Plug providing an upgrade to their existing 2801 Plai Plug (Orange Pi AI Stick 2801) for about the same $69.99 price tag. Gyrfalcon 2803 Plai Plug preliminary specifications: AI Accelerator – Gyrfalcon Lightspeeur 2803S with 2-dimensional Matrix Processing Engine (MPE) and AI Processing in Memory (APiM) Storage – eMMC flash Host interface – USB 3.0 port Power Consumption – 700mW at 16.8 […]

SolidRun i.MX 8M Mini SoM Includes Gyrfalcon Lightspeeur 2803S AI Accelerator

Solidrun i.MX 8M Mini SoM

There are already plenty of NXP i.MX 8M Mini boards and system-on-modules, but so far none of those included a neural network accelerator. But that’s now an option as SolidRun and Gyrfalcon teamed up to design SolidRun i.MX 8M Mini system-on-module that combines NXP i.MX 8M Mini processor with Gyrfalcon Lightspeeur 2803S NPU (Neural Processing Unit) in order to speed up AI workloads at the edge. SolidRun i.MX 8M Mini SoM Specifications: SoC (one or the other) NXP i.MX8M Mini S single core Arm Cortex-A53 processor up to 1.8 GHz, Arm Cortex-M4 core up to 400MHz, GC NanoUltra 3D GPU + GC320 2D GPU NXP i.MX8M Mini D dual-core Arm Cortex-A53 processor up to 1.8 GHz, Arm Cortex-M4 core up to 400MHz, GC NanoUltra 3D GPU + GC320 2D GPU NXP i.MX8M Mini Q quad-core Arm Cortex-A53 processor up to 1.8 GHz, Arm Cortex-M4 core up to 400MHz, GC NanoUltra […]

Orange Pi AI Stick 2801 Neural Compute Stick SDK & Documentation Released

How to use Orange Pi AI Stick SDK

We covered the launch of Orange Pi AI Stick 2801 neural compute stick a few days ago, the first easily available Gyralcon Lightspeeur based USB stick, and noted that while the hardware was there, we had no details about software development kit and documentation at the time. I’ve got some more information now. First, the company release an English presentation about the neural stick, and while it’s not technical documentation, it provides insights into what it is capable of, and an overview about the workflow. More importantly, Shenzhen Xunlong Software also released Orange Pi AI Stick SDK and user manual for x86 PC, as well as cat/dog data and pre-trained models to get started. However, if you want to perform training with your own data, you’ll need to purchase the stick plus PLAI model transformation and training tools sold on Aliexpress for $218 plus shipping, that’s $69 for the hardware, […]

$69 Orange Pi AI Stick 2801 Features Lightspeeur 2801S Neural Processor

Orange Pi AI Stick 2801

Intel is not the only company selling neural compute sticks to accelerate artificial intelligence workloads at low power, as Gyrfalcon introduced their Laceli AI Compute Stick based on their own Lightspeeur 2801S matrix processor earlier this year, but it was not exactly easy to buy. Even the company’s latest PLAI Plug USB3.0 dongle (new name for Laceli AI Compute Stick?) and PLAI WiFi AI wireless accessory announced just  a few days ago are not that easy to purchase, as they require you to fill a form with your project details before being able to buy anything. But thanks to Shenzhen Xunlong Software, the Orange Pi boards maker, it’s now much easier to experiment with the technology since they launched Orange Pi AI Stick 2801, based on the same Lightspeeur 2801S ASIC found in PLAI Plug, but sold directly on Aliexpress for $69 plus shipping ($73.97 in total here). Orange Pi […]

Edge Server SynQuacer E-Series 24-Core Arm PC is Now Available for $1,250 with 4GB RAM, 1TB HDD, Geforce GT 710 Video Card

Right before Linaro Connect San Francisco 2017, GIGABYTE, Socionext and Linaro unveiled a development platform / PC based on Socionext SC2A11 24-core Arm Cortex A53 processor, and whose motherboard complies with 96Boards Enterprise Edition (EE) specifications. I called the platform GIGABYTE Synquacer at the time, because GIGABYTE helped with the design, and the platform was called Synquacer, even during the demo at Linaro Connect. George Grey, Linaro CEO, talked about Synquacer against during Linaro Connect HK 2018 opening keynote, notably to demo the platform combined with Gyrfalcon Light-speeur PCIe card delivering 93TOPS at relatively low power for artificial intelligence applications. I wanted to find out if there were now updates with regards to software support, availability,  and pricing.  While searching for the product page, I found out it was now called “Edge Server SynQuacer E-Series“, and while GIGABYTE designed the board, they will probably not use their brand for this […]

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