We’ve seen in the past at last two projects development CPU cards aimed for easy upgrade a replacement, starting with EOMA-68 standard currently with products based on ARM processors and mostly targeting the consumer market, followed more recently by Intel Compute Card that focuses on the smart devices and enterprise markets. But I’ve recently found out a third company has been doing pluggable CPU cards for a little while: Arnouse Digital Device Corporation (ADDC) with their BioDigitalPC cards designed for the military and small businesses, and pluggable into desktop docks, phones, all-in-one monitors, and even portable datacenters that fit into a suitcase. The company also has “reader boards” that you can integrate into your own products / enclosures. Everything is shown in the diagram below. The latest generation (Gen 9) of BioDigitalPC cards are based on Intel Atom Bay Trail-I single, dual or quad core processors with 2 to 8 […]
ESP32-WROVER-KIT Devkit Supports Espressif ESP32 Modules, Includes a 3.2″ LCD Display
Yesterday Olimex wrote a blog post informing us that ESP32-CoreBoard was back in stock, one the many ESP32 boards launched late this year, but still hard to get. The company also mentioned they’d have limited quantity of the new ESP32-WROVER with JTAG and LCD display together with the picture below. ESP32 is quite more powerful than ESP8266 so it makes sense to have an ESP32 development kit with an LCD display. A quick DuckDuckGo search led me to ESP-WROVER-KIT Getting Started Guide, where we can find more details including the overall specifications: Compatible with ESP-WROOM-32 and ESP32-WROVER modules based on ESP32 dual core Tensilica L108 processor clocked at up to 240 MHz with WiFi and Bluetooth LE connectivity Storage – Micro SD slot Display – 3.2″ LCD display connected via SPI USB – 1x micro USB port Expansion 8-pin UART header 6-pin SPI header 48-pin header for I/Os and camera […]
Hardkernel ODROID-VU8C is 8″ LCD Display and Case Kit for ODROID C1+ and C2 Boards
While it’s quite easy to find displays for development boards, they do not always come with a case, so you’d have to make your own. One easier option for the Raspberry Pi boards is the official Raspberry Pi 7″ LCD touch screen Display, plus RS Premium touchscreen case that selling for $132 in total including Raspberry Pi 3 board. But Hardkernel has now launched their own ODROID-VU8C 8″ Touch Display Shell Kit compatible with ODROID-C1+ and ODROID-C2 boards. Specifications and Kit Contents: 8-inch TFT-LCD with 1024×768 resolution (4:3 ratio) 10 finger capacitive touch input Back-light brightness control with ODROID GPIO PWM Viewing angle : Left 75, Right 75, Up 75, Down 75 degree Screen Dimensions : 189 x 149 x 29 mm Viewable screen size : 162 x121.5 mm (active area) Power Supply – 5V/4A DC to power barrel (powering both the LCD and ODROID ARM Linux board) Power consumption […]
4Duino-24 is an Arduino compatible 2.4″ Color IoT Display Module with Atmel MCU and ESP8266 Module
I played with ITEAD Studio NEXTION serial color displays for Arduino boards and the likes a few months ago, and while the hardware seems good and the company offer a large choice of 2.4″ to 7″ models at a very affordable price, I didn’t find the Windows software to create the user interface to be very user-friendly. 4D Systems, an Australian company specializing in “graphics solutions”, will soon launch a similar 2.4″ display, but integrated into an Arduino compatible board also featuring an ESP8266 module for WiFi connectivity. 4Duino-24 “LCD IoT Display Module” specifications: MCU – Atmel ATmega32U4 micro-controller with 32KB flash, 2.5KB SRAM, 1KB EEPROM Storage – micro SD card slot (FAT16 support) for data and logging WiFi Module – ESP8266 based with 802.11 b/g/n connectivity, 1MB flash, support for Wi-Fi Direct (P2P), soft-AP Display – 2.4” LCD-TFT resistive touch display module with 240×320 resolution, 65K colors, and powered […]
Cleo35 Touchscreen Display for Arduino UNO Comes with Tutorials and Example Projects (Crowdfunding)
There are already various options to add a (touscheen) display to Arduino board with software support including TFTLibrary for Arduino, and recently I tried Nextion serial touchscreen displays that are supported by a WYSIWYG editor, but the latter is only supported in Windows and not exactly user-friendly, and I found the few provided tutorials would only work with a specific resolution incompatible with the displays I had been sent. So I gave up on the idea of interfacing the display with Arduino or ESP8266 as it would be too time-consuming. FTDI CleO project might be faster and easier to get started, as their CleO35 touchscreen display for Arduino UNO will come with a 20 chapter tutorial covering over 80 topics, and 20 projects to get started. Some of the key features and specs of Cleo35 display include: MCU – FTDI FT903 32-bit FT32 core @ 100MHz with 256kB on-chip Flash […]
How to Use Nextion Serial Touchscreen Displays – Part 1: Standalone Mode
Itead Studio launched an Indiegogo campaign earlier this year for their Nextion TFT displays that can be connected to external board such as Arduino or Raspberry Pi via the serial interface, or even a standard computer provided you have a USB to TTL debug board. The campaign was successful with over 1,700 backers, and the company recently sent me two samples for review: a 2.4″ display and a 5″ display. In this post, I’ll look at the boards, and make a small standalone demo with Nextion Editor in Windows. Nextion NX3224T024 2.4″ Display The first item is a 2.4″ TFT display called NX3224T024_011N (non-touch) or NX3224T024_011R (Resistive touch) with 65536 color, 320×240 pixel resolution, LED backlight and up to 200nit brightness. It ships with a cable for the serial connection (5V, Tx, Rx, and GND). The back of the display features the serial connector, a micro SD used to load the […]
Low Cost 15.6″ Portable DVD Player Could Be Used as a Cheap Battery Powered HDMI Display
I’ve already written about portable displays with products such as Gechic On-Lap Monitors which sells for $200 and AOC USB Portable monitors are also popular, and somewhat cheaper than I expected at $120 and $199 for a 15.6″ display at respectively 1366×768 and 1920×1080 resolution, although if you live outside the US, shipping and import fees deposit bring the price much higher. A search for “portable display” on Aliexpress only showed some smaller 3.5 to 7″ displays, but I’ve been tipped about a 15.6″ portable DVD player selling for $114.53 on Chinavasion that could be used as an external display too thanks to its HDMI input. Specifications of this portable DVD player: SoC – Mediatek Solution Display – 15.6″ TFT LED Screen with 270 degree swivel; 1366×768 resolution; 16:9 aspect ratio Disc support – DVD, CD, EVD, VCD, CD-RW, DVD-R. Hitachi lens Video Output – AV Video Input – HDMI, […]
Nextion 2.4″ and 4.3″ UART TFT Displays Come with a Drag and Drop UI Editor (Crowdfunding)
You may want or need to add a small TFT display to control your devices, and it may not always be easy to interface with the hardware, and desiging the user interface may be time consuming. ITEAD Studio latest project, Nextion TFT HMI touchscreen displays, aims to simplify connection with a simple UART interface, and make UI design easier with their Nextion Editor that allows developers to create a user interface without coding. Two models are available: Nextion-2.4″ 2.4″ display with 320×240 resolution Refresh rate: 80 ms 4MB flash 4-pin UART interface Micro-SD card slot, GPU, resistive touch sensor. Dimensions – Board: 74.43 x 42.85 x 3.32 mm; display: 60.78 x 42.62 mm Power Consumption – Sleep: 20 mA; active: 90 mA Nextion-4.3″ 4.3″ display with 480×272 resolution Refresh rate: 20 ms 16MB flash 6-pin UART interface Micro SD card slot, GPU, RGB driver, RGB buffer, resistive touch sensor Dimensions […]