Nvidia Unveils Xavier Automotive & AI Octa-core SoC with 512-Core Volta GPU, 8K Video Decode & Encode

Nvidia has introduced the successor to their Parker SoC mostly targeting self-driving cars and artificial intelligence applications, with Xavier SoC featuring 8 custom ARMv8 cores, a 512-core Volta GPU, a VPU (Video Processing Unit) supporting 8K video decode and encode and HDR (High Dynamic Range), as well as a computer vision accelerator (CVA). The processor will deliver 20 TOPS (trillion operations per second) of performance, while consuming only 20 watts of power, and since it’s designed specifically for autonomous cars, it will comply with automotive safety standards such as ISO 26262 functional safety specification. Anandtech published a comparison table with Tegra X1 (Erista), Parker, and Xavier using currently available information. Xavier Parker Erista (Tegra X1) CPU 8x NVIDIA Custom ARM 2x NVIDIA Denver + 4x ARM Cortex-A57 4x ARM Cortex-A57 + 4x ARM Cortex-A53 GPU Volta, 512 CUDA Cores Pascal, 256 CUDA Cores Maxwell, 256 CUDA Cores Memory ? LPDDR4, […]

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