Avnet and ARM Launch The Embedded Software Store

Avnet and ARM have jointly announced the launch of the Embedded Software Store during ARM Techcon 2011. This is a store where you can purchase or sell operating systems, software stacks,  middleware and tools for embedded software development. The different software component are also classified  in different markets namely automotive, communication, consumer, industrial, medical and military. There are already quite a few well known vendors such as Adeneo Embedded, Micrium, ST Microelectronics. Keil and more. Before a purchase you’ll be able to view product details and contact the vendor for details. Once the purchase is done, you an download the products immeditaly. Some products such as STM32F40x Standard Peripheral & DSP Library can actually be downloaded free of charge. So in the future, more silicon vendors may want to add their BSP, SDK and development tools free of charge to the site. Open source embedded software may also be available […]

CubeStormer II Solves The Rubik’s Cube in 5.352 Seconds

Do you remember the ARM Android Based Rubiks Cube Solver ? Last year it could solve the puzzle in an average of 15 seconds. David Gilday has upgraded its robot with the help of Mike Dobson and named the device CubeStormer II. They released a video showing the CubeStormer II solve the Rubik’s Cube in 5.352 seconds, faster than the human world record (5.66 seconds). The mechanics are constructed entirely from LEGO, including four MINDSTORMS NXT kits, with the addition of a Samsung Galaxy S II smartphone running a custom Android app as the robot’s brain. The app uses the phone’s camera to capture images of each face of the Rubik’s Cube which it processes to determine the scrambled colours. The solution is found using an advanced two-phase algorithm, originally developed for Speedcuber (originally developed by Mike Dobson), enhanced to be multi-threaded to make effective use of the smartphone’s dual-core […]

ARM TechCon 2011: Software & System Design Schedule

ARM Technology Conference (TechCon) 2011 will be hosted in Santa Clara on the 25-27 October 2011. There will be many events and classes related to Chip Design and Software & System Design. The Software & System Design events will take place on the 26th and 27th October 2011. Here’s the schedule for Software & System Design events for the 26th of October: Time Class Track 11 am The 2012 Compute Subsystem Creating Smarter Systems 11 am Practical Cortex Debugging: Serial Wire Viewer and ETM Tracing Developing/Debugging 11 am Integrating a CMOS Imaging Sensor into an ARM-Based Embedded Application Human Interface Design 11 am Embedded IPv6 – Now is the time Networking & Connectivity 11 am RSA & AES Libraries protected against side-channel attacks Safety & Security 11 am Introduction to the ARM Architecture The Fundamentals of ARM 12 pm Optimizing SoC development through a common design foundation Creating Smarter Systems […]

UP 7000 x86 SBC