SparkFun’s “Air Quality PM1/PM2.5/PM10 Sensor – BMV080 (Qwiic)” is breakout board for the Bosch Sensortec BMV080 particulate matter sensor which the German company claims is the world’s smallest and 450 times smaller in volume than any comparable device on the market. It’s summer in Thailand right now, and besides scorching temperatures of over 40°C during the day, it’s also smog season with high PM 2.5 values and frequent alerts not to exercise outdoors. We usually get the Air Quality Index (AQI) from apps like IQAir AirVisual, or people can install air quality monitors in fixed locations to get local readings. But the small size (4.4 x 3.0 x 20 mm³) of the Bosch BMV080 can enable PM2.5 monitoring in wearables or other small devices like the PurpleAir PIXEL USB dongle. SparkFun Air Quality PM1/PM2.5/PM10 Sensor – BMV080 (Qwiic) specifications: Sensor – Bosch Sensortec BMV080 PM Mass Concentration Range: 0 to […]
Renesas RRH47000-EVK board integrates RRH47000 CO2 sensor with ±75 ppm accuracy, relative humidity and temperature sensors
Renesas has recently released the RRH47000-EVK evaluation board based on the RRH47000 CO2 sensor using non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) technology to measure CO2 levels accurately (±75 ppm typical) within the 0-5000 ppm range. The sensor also includes built-in sensors for relative humidity and temperature, operates at low power, and supports either UART or I2C interface to the host. These features make this device useful for applications like HVAC systems, industrial automation, building control, air quality monitors, home appliances, IoT devices, and agriculture. Previously we have written about the Sensirion SCD40 CO2 sensor which also uses NDIR to measure CO2 levels very accurately, while the Infineon PASCO2V15 CO2 sensor relies on photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) to detect CO2 levels. The Sensirion sensor can also measure humidity and temperature, but the Infineon sensor is designed to measure CO2 only. Renesas RRH47000 specifications: CO2 sensor Measurement range – 0 ppm to 5000 ppm Accuracy – […]
Arduino Nicla Sense Env module features temperature, humidity, and gas sensors from Renesas
Arduino Nicla Sense Env is a new sensor module with temperature, humidity, and gas (TVOC, NO2, O3) sensing that follows the launch of the Arduino Nicla Sense ME (Motion & Environment) module over three years ago (2021). The implementation of the new module is quite different since the ME module relies on Nordic Semi nRF52832 Cortex-M4 microcontroller and Bosch SensorTech motion and environmental sensor, but the new Nicla Sense Env module is made of parts from Renesas namely the RA2E1 Cortex-M23 microcontroller, the HS4001 humidity and temperature sensor, the ZMOD4410 gas sensor for TVOC and indoor air quality, and the ZMOD4510 gas sensor for NO2, O3, and outdoor air quality. Arduino Nicla Sense Env (ABX00089) specifications: MCU – Renesas RA2E1 Arm Cortex-M23 entry-line microcontroller (not accessible or programmable by the user) CPU core – Arm Cortex-M23 core up to 48 MHz Memory – 16KB SRAM Storage – 128KB flash Sensors […]