Replicate CAPE Adds 3D Printring Capability to the Beaglebone launched the Beaglebone Cape Design Contest back in November, several designs were submitted, and yesterday, they announced the 3 winning CAPEs who will be manufactured and sold by Circuitco Electronics: Replicape by Elias Bakken – 3D printer cape Interacto by Chris Clark – Cape with a triple axis accelerometer,a gyroscope, a magnetometer and a 640×480 30fps camera. Geiger cape by Matt Ranostay – Geiger counter cape Since today I’ve started to write about 3D printing, let’s carry on and have a closer look at the Replicape. The Replicape 3D printer cape includes: 5 stepper motors (X, Y, Z, Ext1, Ext2) 3 high power MOSFETs (PWM controlled) for 2 extruders and 1 HPB 3 medium power MOSFETs (PWM controlled) for up to 3 fans 3 analog input ports for thermistors 3 inputs for end stops (X, Y, Z) Programmable current limits on steppers motor drivers (SMD). No need to manually adjust […]

3D Systems Cube and CubeX 3D Printers and Cubify Online Service

3D Systems was at CES 2013 to showcase their 3D printers, and their online 3D printing ecosystem called Cubify, where you can design your own model, order the object to be 3D printed, which is then shipped to your door. They have 2 printers that are available for the home market: Cube 3D printer ($1,399) Print size: 140 x 140 x 140 mm / Resolution: 200 microns CubeX 3D printer ($2,799 to $4,399) Print size: 275 mm x 265 mm x 240 mm / Resolution: 125 microns. The CubeX can support 1, 2, or 3 printer heads in order to print objects with multiple colors and/or materials. Charbax shot a video with the company, and I’ve learnt quite a few interesting things about 3D printing: It’s been around for nearly 30 years, but only used by the industry until recently. 3D printing takes a lot of time. The small spaceship […]

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