Intel had their annual Investor meeting day on the 10th of May 2012 in Santa Clara where we would learn a few things about what’s ahead for Intel and the semiconductor industry. Paul Otellini, Intel President and Chief Executive Officer, started the meeting by giving some numbers about Intel results and showing opportunities existing for cloud and data center, personal computing, mobile devices and intelligent systems (for automotive, retail and communications markets). One interesting point was the tremendous growth in data Intel expects from 2,500 Exabytes per year (7 EB/day) today to 8,000 Exabytes by 2015 which the majority of the growth lead by Big data. He also boasted about Intel technology advantage. For example, Intel introduced High-K Metal Gate technology in 2007 and competitor only got it in products last year (btw Samsung Exynos 5 uses HKMG). They recently introduced Tri-gate technology and they only expect competitors to catch […]
Schematics Capture and PCB Layout in Linux with Kicad
Most schematics capture and PCB layout software run on Windows and are closed source. But if your favorite OS is Linux, there are a few open source software including Kicad and gEDA. There is also Cadsoft Eagle which can be installed in Linux with a free license for hobbyists and educational purposes, but is not open source. Today, I’ll focus on Kicad. I don’t really capture schematics, let alone layout PCBs, but I sometimes need to use this type of software to locate pins/components on the schematics and PCB and check some parts of the schematics that can affect software. So I will mainly give an overview of Kicad and write my experience trying to import another project (Beagleboard XM) to Kicad. If you want to learn how to get started with your own project with Kicad, you might want to have a look at Teho Labs Kicad Tutorial. In […]
makeSD Script to Write Image to SD Card for Mele A1000 / AllWinner A10 Devices
Most images released for Mele A1000 (Ubuntu, Puppy Linux..) won’t fit in my SD card, and until now I had to manually partition the SD card, extract the data and copy it to the SD card. I’ve also noticed the size of the SD card slowly creeps lower overtime. I bought an SD card last week and fdisk reported 3901685760 bytes and this morning the same command reported 3898782720 bytes. That’s probably due to new bad sectors which I believe is actually normal for this type of device. The problem is that a backup of “last week” SD card done with dd might not be restored properly with dd since the SD card is now smaller. So I decided to write a shell script “” that will do the following: Umount the SD card if needed Partition the SD card Copy uboot to the SD card Mount the image file […]
Artila M-506 and M-606 ARM9 Industrial Single Board Computers
Artila Electronics announced 2 new single board computers (SBC) based on Atmel SAM9G45 ARM9 Processor: Artila M-506 running Linux 2.6.38 Artila M-606 running Wince 6.0 Both models features the same hardware with a standard 3.5” form factor, Atmel AT91SAM9G45 Processor, 128MB DDR2 RAM, 128MB NAND Flash and 2MB DataFlash and only differ by the operating system and software used. The company explains that the board targets industrial application such as intelligent transportation system (ITS), building automation, energy-saving system, and scenario control systems. Here are the hardware specifications for both devices: CPU – ATMEL AT91SAM9G45 @ 400MHz Memory – 128MB SDRAM Flash – 128MB NAND & 2MB DataFlash for system recovery On-board TTL/LVDS LCD interface Supports 5V/12V TFT LCD panels, up to 1280 x 860 pixels Ethernet: 1x, 10/100Mbps COM port – 3x RS-232, 1x RS-422/485 USB Host – 4x USB 2.0 HS ports. Micro-SD Card – 16GB max. GPIO – […]
Build Your Phone Android Distro with CyanogenMod Compiler 0.4 GUI (Cmc-pygtk) for Ubuntu
Lithid, a member of XDA Developers Forum, has recently released the 4th version of a GUI tool (Cmc-pygtk) to build Android for a given smartphone as long as it is supported by CM. The CyanogenMod Compiler is supported by Ubuntu 10.04 32/64-bit and greater, and you can either download a deb file or build it yourself by following the instructions below: Install dependencies:
1 2 3 4 |
sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts ubuntu-dev-tools debhelper \ dh-make diff patch cdbs quilt gnupg fakeroot lintian pbuilder piuparts \ flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev squashfs-tools \ libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev openjdk-6-jdk pngcrush schedtool |
Clone the source tree:
1 |
git clone git:// |
Generate a gpg key:
1 |
keygpg --gen-key |
Delete the changelog or dpkg will use lithid key instead.:
1 2 |
cd Cmc-pygtk rm os-versions/common/changelog |
Edit the EMAIL field in the Makefile and replace it with the one used to generated the gpg key. Build it for your version of Ubuntu. For Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit:
1 |
make cmc-12.04-32 |
And install it:
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cd out sudo dpkg -i cmc-12.04-32-v0.4.deb |
Before using CyanogenMod Compiler (CMC) is installed, you need to install google repo tool:
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curl > repo chmod a+x repo sudo mv repo /usr/local/bin/repo |
Now that everything is setup, you can run CyanogenMod Compiler: cmc A disclaimer message telling […]
This is What a Calxeda 192-Core ARM Ubuntu 12.04 Server Looks Like
Last November, Calxeda announced its 32-bit ARM Chip for servers, and now there are been some good progress as Calxeda is currently showcasing a 192-core ARM Server running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server edition at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Oakland, California. The server showcased has 192 cores (48 Calxeda EnergyCore quad core Cortex-A9 processors), consumes less than 300 Watts, supports up to 24 SATA drivers and runs Ubuntu 12.04 with OpenStack’s cloud management infrastructure. Karl Freund, Calxeda Vice President of Marketing said that the Calxeda server is running “a standard LAMP stack (running Calxeda’s website) along with other popular web frameworks such as node.js and Ruby on Rails, provisioning of OpenStack Nova compute instances, and even Canonical’s Metal-as-a-Service bare-metal provisioning.” The company also explained that a complete native build of the Ubuntu 12.04 kernel took less than an hour to build on a single node, 4 times faster than the […]
Importing Source Code to Github
Github is a hosting service for software development projects using the Git revision control system. GitHub offers free accounts for open source projects (public repositories) and commercial plans for private repositories. I’ve been using github for a while to clone source code, but I had never imported existing source code to github. Here are the steps to follow: If you don’t have an account yet, sign-up for github. Setup github for Linux, Windows or Mac OS X. Create a repository as shown as explained here. You should now have a URL in github, something like [email protected]:user/repo_name.git, which we’ll use below. Go to the directory with your existing source code and create a local repo:
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git init git add . git commit -m "Initial commit" |
Finally, type the commands below to add your code to your new repository:
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git remote add somename git pull git push somename master |
That’s it, anybody should now be able to clone you code as follows:
1 |
git clone git:// |
NB: If your existing source code (or […]
Editing AllWinner A10 Board Configuration Files (script.bin)
AllWinner A10 based devices all have board configuration files in binary format, sometimes refereed to as script.bin, evb.bin, sys_config.{product_nane}.bin store in the FAT partition with the kernel. You may want to decode those binary files to configure your hardware and/or disable/enable peripherals. For the Ubuntu image provided for the Mele A1000 set-top box, the file is called evb.bin and the two other files (mele.bin and sys_config1.mele_mod.bin) are not used. The filename can change since it is configurable in u-boot e.g.: load1=fatload mmc 0 43000000 evb.bin bootcmd=run load1 boot_mmc If you want to decrypt the binary files into text format (fex), you can retrieve bin2fex tool: git clone Build it: cd sunxi-tools make This will compile both bin2fex (binary to fex text files) and fex2bin (fex files to bin), but the later does not seem to work right now. fex2bin also works now. If you want to decrypt a configuration […]