Waveshare has recently launched the DualEye LCD module, a high-tech alternative to googly eyes, with two 0.71-inch round IPS displays with 160×160 pixels of resolution and 65K color depth. It uses the GC9D01 driver and communicates via an SPI interface.
The module operates at a 3.3V or 5V and is designed so that both ESP32 and Arduino boards can drive it. These features make this device useful for applications like wearables, robotics, IoT devices, etc…
Waveshare DualEye LCD module specifications:
- Display
- Type – Dual 0.71-inch round LCD displays
- Resolution – 160×160 pixels
- Panel – IPS (wide viewing angle)
- Colors – 65K colors
- Pixel Pitch – 37.5 × 112.5 µm
- Controller and Driver
- Driver – GC9D01
- Interface – SPI
- Operating Voltage – 3.3V / 5V
- Dimensions
- Display – 18 mm ∅ per round LCD
- Module – 51 x 20 mm
The company mentions that the display can be controlled via the SPI interface and provides a detailed pinout diagram for the module to get you started with microcontroller boards or single board computers with an SPI interface such as Arduino boards, Raspberry Pi SBCs, ESP32 modules, etc… More information about the product will soon be found on Waveshare’s wiki page but at the time of writing, it’s still under development. There’s however another wiki entry for a similar “single-eyed” 0.71-inch round display based on GC9D01 SPI controller which may offer a starting point.
While we have not seen or covered any similar eye-mimicking display solutions, we have written about various rounded display modules such as the RP2040-LCD-0.99-B rounded display, and the RP2350-LCD-1.28, Waveshare ESP32-S3 LCD Driver Board, and more. So with two displays and a little bit of DIY magic, you could reproduce this kind of module yourself.
The DualEye LCD module is available on the Waveshare store for $15.99. However, after a web search, I found that this kind of “Double Eye” display is available from other manufacturers and costs only $12.99 on AliExpress or $15.99 on Amazon.
Debashis Das is a technical content writer and embedded engineer with over five years of experience in the industry. With expertise in Embedded C, PCB Design, and SEO optimization, he effectively blends difficult technical topics with clear communication
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