Giveaway Week – WisBlock Kit 2 LoRa-based GPS Tracker with Solar Panel

The second prize of CNX Software’s giveaway week does not come directly from me, but instead, RAKwireless accepted to offer a sample to add to the event: Wisblock Kit 2.

The kit is a LoRa-based GPS tracker that comes with a sensor to detect location change every set time interval, and ships with a solar panel, although you could also offer it with a set of batteries (not included).

Wisblock Kit 2 GPS Tracker Solar PanelSince I’ve never written about this kit, let’s go through the main building blocks:

  • RAK5005-O base board
    • Slots for 1x WisBlock Core MCU module, up to 4x WisBlock Sensor modules, and one WisBlock IO module
    • I2C, UART, GPIO’s and analog input accessible with solder contacts
    • Debugging – USB debug port
    • Misc- 2x user LED’s, reset button
    • Supports 3 different power supply sources
    • 1 slot for WisBlock Core MCU
  • RAK4631 Wisblock Core module
    • WiSoC – Nordic nRF52840 with Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 connectivity
    • LoRa
      • Sentech SX1262 transceiver
      • LoRaWan 1.0.2 protocol stack (supports Class A & C)
  • RAK1904 accelerator module with STMicro LIS3DH acceleration sensor
  • RAK1910 GPS module based on U-Blox MAX-7Q GNSS module with support for GPS/QZSS and GLONASS; 2.5m accuracy, 10 Hz update rate

Solar powered GPS tracker giveawayYou’ll find documentation on the RAK store where it is sold for $77.28 (also on Aliexpress), as well as an Arduino sketch sample on Github.

To enter the draw simply leave a comment with your country and whatever else you’d like to say. If the country is missing, I’ll consider the entry void. Other rules are as follows:

  • Only one entry per contest. I will filter out entries with the same IP and/or email address.
  • Contests are open for 48 hours starting at 10 am (Bangkok time) every day.
  • Comments will be closed after 48 hours. If comments are open, the contest is still going on.
  • Winners will be selected with, and announced in the comments section of each giveaway.
  • I’ll contact the winner by email, and I’ll expect an answer within 24 hours, or I’ll pick another winner.
  • Note that I may not be able to contact people who log in with Facebook, Twitter, or Google, so it’s better to use an email address to enter the daw.
  • Shipping will be handled by RAKwireless, and I’ll forward the winner’s email to arrange shipment.
  • I’ll make sure we have 7 different winners, so if you have already won a device during this giveaway week, I’ll draw another person.

Good luck!

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184 Replies to “Giveaway Week – WisBlock Kit 2 LoRa-based GPS Tracker with Solar Panel”

  1. Switzerland,
    Looks really interesting, but don’t know what to do with that at the moment.

  2. Turkey

    Can you give an example ? Why we use this device and how we use ? is this a gps tracker device its looking big box in published picture. If device is working what conditions ? Can you describe some detail ?

    Thank you

  3. Hey from France ! This could actually be a great backup positionning system on a boat (mooring alert) plus a LoRa message upload gw (thinking of plenty use cases)

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